Professionalism and Medical Ethics

latif ziyar md

Professionalism is the highest ethical standard and moral development in both personal and professional life. The underlying values result in behavior that is being displayed to the outside world. Our actions are being shaped by what we believe and that affect the way we interact with others. Ethics by definition is the philosophical study of moral values and rules and a pattern of behavior that is either right or wrong. From the historical point, as long as people have started to live together in groups, it was felt necessary for the wellbeing of the groups to have moral regulation of behavior, which means that certain behavior was acceptable and certain not. It is important for a physician to show consideration to the needs of patients and their families in regard to their concern about the treatment effectiveness and progress of patients.

Improving communication skills with staff and colleagues based on mutual respect is necessary for working in a positive environment. It is important for a physician to bring positive changes in thinking and behavior. Before solving any problem it is important to think about the ethical aspect and learn to approach it systematically before trying to solve it. It is important to keep in mind the shareholders model of solving a problem and examining the involvement of all interested parties in a specific problem then examining the benefits and disadvantages of a decision for each shareholder. The model helps in resolving a problem, avoids conflict and result is a fair solution. It is important to keep in mind the old saying, “honesty is the best policy”, and is practical in everyday life situation.

Each physician should keep the highest standard of honesty, sound moral principle, sincerity, competent medical care with compassion. It is important to know that by living in the society, we as physicians are expected to follow certain obligations by acting responsible and respectful toward others which gives the opportunity to develop a positive and healthy working environment and help reach a common interest for Physicians which is better care and positive outcome. It is important to be more cautious and pay more attention to HIPAA regulation. Each physician has moral obligation to keep all information given by patients confidential and refrain from sharing with anyone except with written permission from the patient and for the purpose of improvement of quality of care. It is important to carefully explain and discuss with the patient, certain situations which may necessitate the breach of confidentiality such as safety of the patient and others or obligation of the physician to the law. Although, physician should disclose only minimal necessary information in certain situations.

A physician must keep practicing the code of moral responsibility, respect for human dignity and rights of others and to advance his or her own education and knowledge to be able to deliver a standard care. A physician is expected to treat others respectfully, relationship of respect, compassion and dignity result in personal and universal harmony. Each physician has to keep honesty in all aspects of everyday life and maintain ethical behavior. It is more important to keep in mind, the moral aspect of a problem or situation prior to any attempt of solving a problem. A physician is morally obliged to avoid conflict of interest; making business or exploiting patients are unethical and morally wrong because of the vulnerability of patient for getting advantage of. Each physician is expected to respect for autonomy, rights and dignity of others and refrain from being unfair which cause the patients feel mistrusted or betrayed. A physician must remain loyal to the highest moral principles and should respect the rights of patients, colleagues and other health care professionals.

Each physician must remain truthful in all aspects of life and is expected to practice ethical behavior at all times. Unlike other professions, many health care professionals believe that the health care industry must maintain the highest ethical standard, because the health care customers have lack of necessary knowledge to make a truly educated choice and are at risk to be manipulated. In the field of medicine, ethics are the highest standard of honesty and integrity. Adhering to these guidelines and regulations and being sensitive, respectful to others gives opportunity for creation of a positive professional interactive atmosphere. A physician is expected to refrain from exploiting patients and others, certain drives such as money, love, sexuality and inspiration in everyday life can pose a challenge how not to affect care for patients.

A physician should maintain practicing the rule of informed consent. In medicine, psychiatry in particular, people put trust on physicians and in reverse they have certain moral expectation from the physicians.The therapeutic relationship between a patient and physician is based on mutual trust. A physician is required to inform the patient about the nature of illness or condition and to use standard therapeutic procedures and to fully discuss the risks and benefits associated with treatment modality, other available alternatives and to explain the expected outcome of a suggested plan of care with colleagues and other health care professionals if necessay.

Latif Ziyar MD

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